About Me

Currently loving life in the beautiful village of Newcastle, a little over a stone's throw from my hometown (and childhood stomping ground) of Orangeville, Ontario, Canada - I reside in a quaint bungalow, comparable to the home of my favourite dual protagonists, Tilly and Violet. My garden is my happy place. Furred and feathered critters abound in Newcastle, it is fitting that I would incorporate them into my stories.
My most cherished childhood literary recollection is a big book of rhymes and verses, a gift from my mother, a compilation of fun and quirky works that inspired whimsical visions and sweet dreams.
I love sporadic road trips, writing in verse, interacting with nature, rom-com novels, and gooey maple syrup butter tarts (one thing Canadians never apologize for... eating the last butter tart).
Recently promoted to 'Gram', I anticipate plenty of future book releases, inspired by fun-spirited shenanigans shared with my precious wee grandson.
Currently in the works, the final installment of my Tilly and Violet trilogy; Mice Can be Messy! (Who knew?)​
"Writers are a little below clowns and a little above trained seals."